alert("Have fun in Jerome's blog!")
As u all know, today is labor day. For many of you, you are going to watch a movie or just sleep at home. My church friends are going for the 24 hour annual prayer. You know what i'm doing? IM AT HOME, STUDY STUDY STUDY, MOM DON LET ME GO 24 HOUR PRAYER, NO CHANCE OF EVEN GOING OUT. BARELY ENOUGH COM TIME TO SATISFY ME.
It's exactly when u were on june vacation on your psle year or your o-level year. It's not a holiday, it's a Torture-day!
God bless, i'm gonna need it.
The Rome Has Spoken
...on 11:58 PM
Hi all! long time no blog ;( Today i had my chinese paper, super okay ah! my english paper also quite set.. Tmr is labour day, freaking awesome.. but also means that my mom at home to torture me ;/
things that happened it school today.. exam la, not much happen, only during paper 2, the weirdo home ec teacher take us. dam funny sia my whole class make sounds and she was like dam frustrated but didn't care ;D and also, after school my mom was waiting for me outside, she was waiting behind jereme's(pronounced as jeremy, weird name) car and than when my mom start driving, she was behind. than i ask my mom win jerem's car for fun. than kana nag.. all that same stuff saying," next time you better not be like this.. blah blah blah im a nagger" than something unexpected happenede, she suddenly start driving at 80 (pretty fast for my mom, she drives like a snail normally) and she start overtaking jereme. kinda funny, because jereme's dad drives an audi.. ;D women aren't bad drivers! just not as good as men ;DDDD
oh ya, btw, my bro (XL JOEL) just made a blog, make sure u visit! it's also in the links.
God bless
The Rome Has Spoken
...on 5:22 AM
Just finish studying.. my post timer is screwed up, now it's 11:10. I studied 8 hours today. For you that may not be alot but for me it can be mroe than 2 days work.. now getting very serious le ;(
What to do? exams coming.. if i wanna dye my hair and get a com i nid to do well!
The com is already will get but i wanna dye my hair! im kinda vein..
Now i got chunks of info in my mind.. river management, water, napoleon, gain power. Yea, Geog and Lit.. my 2 hated subjects ;( at least tmr i not going school, mum let me stay home study. anyway she teaching me also, so i won't rest the whole time... quite tired already ;DD bb!
God bless
The Rome Has Spoken
...on 8:05 AM
Hi all :D Yesterday after remedial, me, jordan, wilson and max went to my house just for awhile. Jordan was talking about how short i looked next to my bro while Max was so freaking pai seh because when he saw my bro he said," hello uncle". I finished changing and we headed off. Not keeping track of time, i looked at my clock and it read 12:40. We were super late. So we wanted to take a taxi to church. But we realized warren was at serangoon MRT waiting for us. So we planned to take a cab to Serangoon MRT than to church. While waiting, Wilson carried Jordan and start swinging him. Than i saw Jordan's shoe bag on the floor. i though he would know so i ignored it. Just nice, one merc cab drove pass. We flagged the taxi frantically but to no avail.. The idiot dao us and not even looking at us, drove away. Thank God, My parents drove pass and offered a lift. Since my mum was in the car, We had to squeeze and Jordan ended up sitting on Wilson's lap(smallest on biggest). So we told my parents that we need fetch warren. We arrived at the MRT and we waited outside while Jordan went to find Warren. Than we were like OMG when Jordan called and said Warren wasn't there.. So we were scared and we tried calling Warren and his phone was off.. But we had to leave or we would be late. So Jordan came back to the car and my dad sped to church. After alighting.. I was feeling super guilty for losing warren... Than Jordan, with a troubled and going-to-poop face, said," Oh no, where's my shoe bag." I though it was at home so i called my bro but he said it was not there. i called my mom and asked her but she said it wasn't in the car. Than we kept thinking and thinking and thinking than Jordan almost screamed," the grass patch!" than i was like.. oh crap i didn't see it coming. So i felt extremely guilty for losing warren, and not notifying jordan about his bag.. but the lost bag was mostly wilson's fault. i was pretty sad until i went to church than all my troubles when away.. as usual ;D after chruch, we went to bugis to eat, but i had to leave early because my aunt from USA just came home and we had dinner at my Grandma's place. So,from bugis me and wilson(lives one block away from my grandma) took bus 80. but we took the wrong side and ended up going some funny construction site. But wait, just about when we wanted to alight and take 80 from the opposite side, we saw... VIVO CITY.. so we alighted there and took a train back.. Phew, got there before my parents! and i also saw my Godpa walking patches downstairs so i followed them and took patches back up. Apart from feeling guilty, yesterday was a pretty good day. Now gotta ask my mum cut my top of my hair.. Ms roshna don like my mohawk...
God bless ;D
The Rome Has Spoken
...on 3:27 AM
ARGHHHH my handphone keypad is missing! Not the number keypad, the selection keypad. It's like dam hard to do stuff now la T-T. I don't know why but i have like 4 mosquito bites, because my house has no darn mosquitoes! And my hand is itching like crazy while im typing now!
Things that happen in school today... Today in maths class Leroy was telling me a bunch of cold jokes =.= some were so darn stupid till it was funny. Here are some.
2 boys, 4 girls and 6 dogs were under an umbrella, why weren' they wet? Because it wasn't raining ;D What can go in water and has holes? A Sponge!xD What does Space and Time end with? An "E".. haha
The previous post i said my bro keep calling me YP "young person" because my hair look like small kid, but today he came back with a primary 6 haircut! haha exactly same as my primary 6 hair. Joker! Now he can't call me YP!
Tuition teacher coming in 1 min.. GTG, bye bye!
God bless ya ;D
The Rome Has Spoken
...on 5:30 AM
Hey all ;D
i really found it important to post this!
My haircut is a joke! The woman like shaved off half my head and i was like," WHAT THE FFFF,#@%&*%!" my mouth was wide open when she did that..
and the first thing my bro said when he saw it was," you look like a YP" and i asked what that was. He said," Young person" which means siao hai zi(kid).
if you see me in school, please don laugh. Because that'll be the end of you. Take care!
God bless!
The Rome Has Spoken
...on 3:42 AM

This picture is just to show you how busy church is every week!
Today is relax day! i just did my tuition homework and im resting till my tuition at 4! shiok!! anyway, yesterday i went to church with Wilson. Than we met Yi Li and the rest at the coffee shop below the church. i saw max there with the rest. So i thought," wa max so independent, don need me to bring him to church next time." Than l8r we went to KFC than went to church. At church, i was looking for Max while we were having games. So i thought maybe he was with Jordan so i didn't go find him. It was only after service that Jordan and Nick asked me where max was, and i was equally clueless. Than suddenly Jordan mouth opened super big and he said, " Oh no, i think we left him at KFC!" and were like oh crap.. and the weird thing was that Max never called or even text messaged any of us in church. WEIRD...
The best part of yesterday is when Dominic ask the group of people who wants God in their life and wants a meaning to life, so a lot of people went up.. Jordan they all. Only left me, Wilson and Yi Li. We all too pai seh to go up to the front, but i had a small little voice in my head pressurizing me to go up, but i just didn't. i didn't until Yi Li went up. Than that really got me thinking. Yi Li, he is just coming to church for the second time, but he is already so close to God, than i thought about myself. and i hesitated, but i went up.
There, Jian Ming touch my head and prayed and i just opened my heart. My eyes were tearing and i felt super light, like i could fly. Than, Jian Ming let go of me. I just fell. The ushers slowly put me down, and when i was on the floor, i just felt so relived. And all this is thanks to Yi Li who made me realized that there's nothing to be pai seh about :D thanks Yi Li
God Bless :D
The Rome Has Spoken
...on 8:50 PM

HI all, today i probably won't be posting after this, busy day):
Yesterday night during tuition, my science tuition teacher drew me a time-table.. ya it's for kids, but it made me realize that i keep complaining about stress, but actually i have a lot of "rest-time" so it sort of set my mind straight and made me like less complain, complain, complain. And below the time-table she wrote an inspirational quote which got me motivated. "You are God's gift to you, you gift back to God is what you do with yourself." i don't know about you guys, but it set me thinking..
Oh ya, yesterday forgot to upload pics of Geog Class, only yesterday i realized that Geog class was dam fun, so i took 2 pics :)
God bless :D
The Rome Has Spoken
...on 7:22 PM
Hey all! The freaking Ang Kock Hock is having remedial lesson tmr with the 7th floor class and Joevyn is having second thoughts about going to church with me :( Thankfully, Jordan is there to help out! Jordan, if you're reading this, GET JOEVYN TO COME!!
Things that happen in school today.. During english, i was talking to Ryan and Viknesh was talking to Jordan, so i kana stand behind, and Sujata thought that she was damn smart when she made Viknesh change place with me.. Wrong move :D Viknesh will talk to Ryan as much as i did or even more, and i will also talk to Jordan =.= So she changed the wrong persons.. The only let down is that i am trying to make Ryan come to church, and if i sit next to Jordan, hard to communicate across class.. Leave it in the hands of the Lord! Also, today me and Ryan were laughing like crazy in english.. we were like playing "yo mama" where we make fun of each other's mom, it was a blast! Super funny! There were two jokes that were especially funny, one is " yo mama is so heavy, her picture fell of the wall." and the other is " yo mama so fat, her shirts only come in three sizes- Large, Jumbo and Oh my gosh, whats that coming towards me!" HAHAHA still laughing at it now.
Looking forward to tomorrow's Church service!
God bless :D
The Rome Has Spoken
...on 5:06 AM
Hi all! I'm so fortunate to have at least 1 special thing happen to me everyday so i can post it here..
Today me, Jordan, Nick and the others from church were supposed to watch F&F4 (postponed to today) as usual, tuition cuts my time.. so i'm really kinda jealous of them.. sad
Things that happen in school today.. Today school was quite slack-ish, Lit teacher sick again, as usual, so mr yi took us. that old guy made me, warren, viknesh, ryan and stephen stand behind, like that will teach us our lesson.. We were like playing one game called one-word it's like 1 person say 1 word and the next continues, it was really funny. We also had the "privilege" of having Mr Yi to relief us for Home Ec, so i was talking to stephen and zhao ruen for quite long time than i saw ryan and the rest giggling like girls, so i walked over there to see what was happening. They were playing Dare or Dare.. so i played for awhile.. since there's no truth in this game, it's all dares.. the first 2 times i spinned Viknesh's bottle, tio me twice in a row. First dare was to walk up to mr yi and salute.. i did it, and all of them were laughing. second dare was to make fun of jereme in my own way, so i stuck out my hands like a monkey and stamped my feet saying " pui, pui, pui, pui " in his face.. Sorry Jem, just kidding! The final special thing that happened today was maths class. For the first time, matt and me talked alot. so i didn't do my assignment that i was supposed to do in class. The rest of the class didn't give two hoots about the stupid worksheet either, so all of us tio stay back. than one class needed the class room, so the teacher told us to go to up to the 7th floor maths class and do the assignment, hand it up to ang kock hock than we can go.. i followed a quater of his instructions, i went out of the class. than i ran down and went home. pretty fun! :)
God bless all you readers :)
The Rome Has Spoken
...on 1:05 AM
I am pretty disappointed that my car didn't get selected for the South zone race even though it won first.. But what really suprised me was WILSON.
I didn't know that bugga could win 10 trophies! if "10" could be in capital, i would make it so.. anyway, that's like super zai, and the best part is SASS didn't win any freaking trophes besides the ones that Wilson won.. Wilson.. WHAT THE HECK?
What happened in school today... We had a physics test today, 2C passed us the answer script! what the hell la, full marks!
highlight of the week- got Joevyn, Darryl Tay and Chi Han to come church! YEAAAAAAAAAAAA
God bless :)
The Rome Has Spoken
...on 12:41 AM
AH! Just finished 2 freaking tuitions back to back.. Feel like dying, but at least i can express this here!
Nick and Jordan jio me go out watch F&F4 tomorrow! So tempting, and the best part is tomorrow my tuition canceled so i'm free, but i don't wanna ask my mum.. Confirm kana scolding =.= so i can't go.. Sadddddddd
Things that happened in class today.. Not much, Mrs yi the old bag took us for Lit, Ryan gave me attitude during Lit, King Kong art teacher KPKB as usual, and i still keep on laughing when i think about what happened in Lit class 2day- Ryan, didn't do his art work, that worried bugga was scared to hell and was concentrating very hard.. so me and wilson disturbed him, just for kicks. We keep asking him questions about his piece, so when he didnt respond, i got bored and talked to warren at the other side of me. when i turned around, i saw ryan's head in plastic bag.. I WAS LAUGHING MY GUT OUT for a whole 5 minutes, and he was like scolding Wilson and all that shit.. I sound like an ass, but if you were me, you'd be laughing for 6 minutes :)
God Bless :)
The Rome Has Spoken
...on 3:45 AM

Wow, this is my first post, i hope it will be interesting 4 you.
Last week was Good Friday, it was awesome! Me and Jordan got Yi li, Alvin, Stephen, Zhao Ruen and one of Max's friends to come to servis with us!
All of them loves it, except max's friend. It's sad max's friend doesnt like Heart of God Church..
Most of them are coming back for service this saturday and i'm super pleased! That's the power of God for you :)
Anyway, my week started off on a bad toe. yes, not a bad foot, a bad TOE.
Me and my bro were fooling around, and he was chasing me round my house.
while running i side stepped and my toe hit a chair. It doesn't sound funny but if u saw what happened you'd be on the floor laughing.. so anyway, i didn't know my toe nail cracked cause it didn't hurt at all.. and than i went to do my dumb tuition work that was due a week ago, and realized that my toe was hurting very badly.
I looked at my foot and my balls shrank.. literally. half my nail was like almost becoming lose. so i washed it, and i almost screamed liked a girl, thankfully i didn't or my bro would still be laughing about it today =.= now i have to limp.. dumb chair!
God bless you :D
The Rome Has Spoken
...on 3:56 AM