alert("Have fun in Jerome's blog!")

This picture is just to show you how busy church is every week!
Today is relax day! i just did my tuition homework and im resting till my tuition at 4! shiok!! anyway, yesterday i went to church with Wilson. Than we met Yi Li and the rest at the coffee shop below the church. i saw max there with the rest. So i thought," wa max so independent, don need me to bring him to church next time." Than l8r we went to KFC than went to church. At church, i was looking for Max while we were having games. So i thought maybe he was with Jordan so i didn't go find him. It was only after service that Jordan and Nick asked me where max was, and i was equally clueless. Than suddenly Jordan mouth opened super big and he said, " Oh no, i think we left him at KFC!" and were like oh crap.. and the weird thing was that Max never called or even text messaged any of us in church. WEIRD...
The best part of yesterday is when Dominic ask the group of people who wants God in their life and wants a meaning to life, so a lot of people went up.. Jordan they all. Only left me, Wilson and Yi Li. We all too pai seh to go up to the front, but i had a small little voice in my head pressurizing me to go up, but i just didn't. i didn't until Yi Li went up. Than that really got me thinking. Yi Li, he is just coming to church for the second time, but he is already so close to God, than i thought about myself. and i hesitated, but i went up.
There, Jian Ming touch my head and prayed and i just opened my heart. My eyes were tearing and i felt super light, like i could fly. Than, Jian Ming let go of me. I just fell. The ushers slowly put me down, and when i was on the floor, i just felt so relived. And all this is thanks to Yi Li who made me realized that there's nothing to be pai seh about :D thanks Yi Li
God Bless :D
The Rome Has Spoken
...on 8:50 PM