alert("Have fun in Jerome's blog!")

Wow, this is my first post, i hope it will be interesting 4 you.
Last week was Good Friday, it was awesome! Me and Jordan got Yi li, Alvin, Stephen, Zhao Ruen and one of Max's friends to come to servis with us!
All of them loves it, except max's friend. It's sad max's friend doesnt like Heart of God Church..
Most of them are coming back for service this saturday and i'm super pleased! That's the power of God for you :)
Anyway, my week started off on a bad toe. yes, not a bad foot, a bad TOE.
Me and my bro were fooling around, and he was chasing me round my house.
while running i side stepped and my toe hit a chair. It doesn't sound funny but if u saw what happened you'd be on the floor laughing.. so anyway, i didn't know my toe nail cracked cause it didn't hurt at all.. and than i went to do my dumb tuition work that was due a week ago, and realized that my toe was hurting very badly.
I looked at my foot and my balls shrank.. literally. half my nail was like almost becoming lose. so i washed it, and i almost screamed liked a girl, thankfully i didn't or my bro would still be laughing about it today =.= now i have to limp.. dumb chair!
God bless you :D
The Rome Has Spoken
...on 3:56 AM